Wednesday 4 April 2012

Measure of a man

I know what you're thinking. Don't be crude.

Theme of the day was self worth, it seemed every person I spoke to was doubting someone they know, some even themselves. This begs the question "What makes you a good person?". Is it looks? Money? Charm? Wit?

These are all things we all want in ourselves but is it really what we want in others? The "good looking" people are usually well aware of the fact and this often warps their own idea of beauty. Whether it be through eating disorders, or simply looking for more attractive partners, at the risk of shunning people they deem to be less attractive.

Money? (Almost) Everyone needs it, and you can buy some cool sh*t. It can't buy you friends, can't bring back the dead and doesn't keep you warm at night. But it can breed ignorance, greed, self destruction.

To take a note from Yoda. Charm leads to confidence, confidence leads to cockiness and cockiness leads to arrogance.

And wit is all well and good, but it's often hard to be taken seriously when all you do is crack jokes. And at who's expense? Yourself? Your friends? People of different walks of life? When does a harmless joke become ridicule?

Of course this doesn't mean everyone. These are meant as extreme examples, but there are a lot of these examples in my life and in the public eye.

Perhaps we should all start looking for something different in ourselves before we start expecting so much of people. Perhaps we should be more attracted to honesty, courage, wisdom and compassion. Or perhaps i have a warped view of the world... I just live here.


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