Tuesday 3 April 2012

The beginning of the end?

The first of many I hope...

So it's a Wednesday morning, not a special day, not a day to remember. All I know is that today is the first day of the rest of my life... I know, I know, a cliche of a cliche.

Today I realised my life wasn't going as planned, things are time for a change, so how else to fix it than to write a blog that no-one will ever read. Sounds ridiculous and yet oddly liberating.

So yesterday someone I care deeply about decided that she was bored of me. At almost exactly the same time, someone I *did* care deeply about decided to pop up in my life, albeit in a very minor role. Still felt like being hit in the nuts though. You know, it's a familiar pain, but it always catches you out, there is no preparation for a junk punch... You know why.

Well, time for bed, 11 hours of work tomorrow. Is it sad that I'm looking forward to it?


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